mtelligent reloaded: Tech podcast reviews

It's been way too long since I blogged. Having finished publishing my notes for the MCPD upgrade exams, I though long an hard about what to do with this site, and recently I came up with the answer. I have been listening to podcasts for a while now, and having recently purchased a new video iPod, I have started to watch video podcasts.

I am sure not all developers have the time to listen/watch as much as I do. I spend over two hours commuting from Staten Island to Manhattan each day. Plus with more and more podcasts becoming available, you may need some help determining what podcasts are worth listening to.

So the new focus of this blog is to review technology podcasts. The podcasts that I will review are the podcasts that I am interested in. Podcasts centered around Windows Development, Software Construction, Architecure, Business/Entrepenurship with a Technology slant. My current subscriptions consist of:

  • PWOP Shows (.Net Rocks, Hanselminutes, etc)
  • PodTech Network Shows (ScobleShow, etc)
  • Channel 9/Arcast (Ron Jacobs)
  • Venture Voice
  • Polymorphic podcast

If you can think of any other shows that you think I would like, please let me know.

The first review will be published Monday evening. 


LinkedIn, Agile and WS-*

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